Sunday, February 7, 2010

Disclaimer Regarding Blog Photography

Hello again!

Before I get down to business here, I feel that a certain disclaimer is necessary:

The majority of the photographs that I post here- and I plan to post many- will be captured using the handiest digital media creation device that I own- my iPhone.

These pictures will generally be poorly lit, poorly composed, and low resolution.

Why am I taking the time to explain this?

Having learned the "anyone-could-see-everything-you-post-online" lesson the uncomfortable way, I want to safeguard myself and someone close to me from accusations of, uh, being crappy photographers.

Translation: If you (a reader of this blog) know me in "real life" and are (or are considering) commissioning our professional services, please don't think that the photos posted here reflect what we offer.

I'm not saying I'll never post a nice picture here, but I am saying that for the most part, I will put as much thought into these pictures as you put into picking out socks this morning. That's very little. Probably. I don't know, you might be kind of weird.

Too many words here. One last thing. I am now two-for-two on blog posts that allude to the Twitter incident. I'll never mention it here again. It is not as ominous or serious as I might have made it sound. It's actually kind of funny.

I would love to tell you about it over a beer sometime.

Now for some brew stuff.

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