Monday, February 8, 2010

Irish Red = Racked

I currently have only one beer in production- it's an Irish Red. Last night I racked it from the primary fermentation bucket into a glass carboy, where it will undergo the secondary fermentation.

For those who don't know, "racking" is the process of siphoning the beer from one container to another. The idea is to leave as much of the sediment on the bottom of the container behind.

As soon as I opened the sealed fermentation bucket, I caught a huge, malty aroma. I'm pretty excited about this one. This style of beer is a big departure from the last one I made, which is an ultra-hoppy IPA. It's going to be nice having the two of them on tap at once.

To balance out the maltiness, I'm dry hopping this beer with an ounce of hops.

Wow, I wasn't kidding about poor photography on this blog. Look at that. Terrible. The beer is actually a nice red color. I'll put up some better pics in a few weeks when it's done.

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