Thursday, February 4, 2010

Getting started.

Hello! Here is the first entry in my beer blog. "Beer blog" isn't really right, it should be "homebrew blog". About six months ago, I started brewing my own beer. Why? A couple reasons:

1) I love beer.
2) I enjoy craft things and DIY projects.

Why does this warrant a blog? A couple more reasons:

1) my homebrewing process is something I am constantly refining, and some of the latest developments are, at least in my opinion, pretty exciting.
2) this can serve as a nice record, or timeline, of homebrew things I've done. And,
3) I can share my hobby and progress with you without sharing my beer. I'm just kidding, I will share my beer with you. Unless you talk a lot or have bad taste in music, then I may not enjoy drinking beer with you. Holy shit, why am I typing all this?

So anyway, feel free to check back, or leave a comment. I will do my best to update frequently and interestingly, at least until it gets boring, or until creepy people start using this to stalk me, like I've experienced on some other social network thingies (I'm looking at you, Twitter).


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